Monday, December 20, 2010

Fuck the Police, Internationally

My hatred for policemen (obviously not all, but many) now knows no borders, it has crossed the Pacific and gone international. As I was walking back from a bar with two friends of mine, one Nigerian and one Sudanese, we see cops on motor bikes. I don't think much of it at the time. Until I see one's head turn towards us and he signals to the others to pull over near where we're walking. It was like deja vu, it was as if I'd seen it before, the same bullshit being rewinded. Here comes this police bullshit again. And it has a different spin here becuz police here are only driven by money. They arrange random traffic stops anywhere and stop everyone without the intention to write any tickets or citations, they just play that "Well, the ticket is this price. But if u pay me half of that, I'll let u slide" all the time. In America, a lot of cops are crooked, but most of the time they're tryna make money off the criminals; taking some of the money they find in raids, taking bribes to "turn their heads" on things, etc. Here the police are into exploiting regular ppl. Ain't that a bitch? So to them, they think we're three Africans, we're an easy target to them. No reason to stop us at all, but they ask our ideas. My temperature already starts rising, but I stay civil and hand over my ID. After the one in front of me argues that my ID must be fake, the one who has somehow worked his way behind me starts frisking me, feeling me all up and down. Instinct told me to punch him in the face for laying hands on me. But it is a cop, no matter how crooked or sorry. So I kind of brush him off me and grab it from my pocket myself. "It's Carmex, lip balm. What do u want from me?" He inspects the little tub as if it's filled with anthrax. At this point, I'm getting madder. One of them is raising his voice questioning why I'm trying to con them with a fake ID. I raise my voice right back, "u a fucking American ID expert now? How do I know u not just a douchebag in his policeman Halloween costume taking a joy ride?" At least in America, they have to at least act like they have some valid reason to stop you. Even if it is bullshit, they have to act like u did something suspicious to get stopped or pulled over. And beyond that, we have rights. If they try to make u open ur trunk or glove box or want u to get out so they can frisk u, u have the right to say "No, do u have a warrant?" The cop might not like it, but if they try to "make u" u have grounds to sue them. We've seen ppl sue and win large sums of money from the police force for unlawful interaction. and once again, in true police fashion, when they realized they had nothing on us, they tried to explain with bullshit. "Oh this is normal at night when we see people walking." MOTHERFUCKER A DOZEN PEOPLE HAVE WALKED BY SINCE U'VE BEEN TRYING GROPE ME. U AIN'T STOPPED NAM ONE OF THEM. JUST US BLACK GUYS." He can try to go sell that shit to someone else, I don't play that shit. Fuck u and leave me alone. If u haven't noticed, this is a topic that gets me hot quick' which isn't actually that easy to do. But this picture to the left gives u an idea of the mentality that pisses me off so much. As great as the "idea" of the police is, the actuality of what many of the police have become is a far cry from serving and protecting. They're clinging to the power of the badge to feed their greed and prejudice. I don't fuck wit em, period. If u think I'm exaggerating or somethin, open ur fucking eyes and grow up. If u think I'm being bitter or sensitive, fuck it, I've Been Called Worse. As Lil' Wayne says (odd person to quote for me, I know), "Real niggas fuck with me, and I don't give a fuck u don't."

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