Monday, December 24, 2012

Stop Me When I Start Lying: Guns for Heroes?

"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." 

Although Harvey Dent (in "The Dark Knight") was talking about Julius Caesar and his absolute reign over Rome, it became true about him as he transitioned from passionately heroic DA into villainous "Two Face". Although it was a movie, this quote is very true of many situations. With that being said,the recent argument that gun lobbyists are making that to prevent tragedy such as the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, we must arm everyone with the potential to be a hero in such situations (bosses in office buildings, principals in schools, etc) has even less credibility. What happens when we put arms in the hands of everyone we believe is a potential hero and they stay at that post with no bad guy threats? So we're already assuming that all authority figures (and their successors who will have access to the same weapons) are trustworthy with such power and will step up and be valiant in such a trying moment. Even if we were right about the character of EVERY person we arm, what happens when normal business and normal human reactions take place? People get fired, get laid off, are forced into budget cuts or business decisions they don't agree with, get mad, etc...and we've armed them. We armed Osama Bin Laden and his forces long ago when we shared a common opponent during the Iraq-Iran War. We had a difference of opinion a few years afterwards, nasty words were exchanged, and all those weapons were turned on us; the rest is history. Recently, in many parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia there have been civil wars, coups, and leadership changes with varying levels of international involvement. Often the international community and the population themselves fully support the leaders forging the revolution.They perceive them to be liberating the people from the currently established tyranny; often, only to find that once in power they never want to relinquish it and will install their own brand of tyranny to maintain it. Power is a funny thing in what it can turn even the most ambitious and noble individual into. The liberty of many civilizations has been stolen to thunderous applause. So if you arm that 40 year old general during his conquest to liberate his people from the previous tyrant, how does that make you feel when the 55 year old version of the same man turns those guns on any of his people or any outsiders he considers a threat to his unbridled power? Obviously, the NRA is not talking about dictators, but the same concepts apply. The boss of your company may be less likely to accept outside opinions  from anyone if he knows that he is the one man in the building with the key to the weapons vault. These are things that must be considered before anyone starts handing out guns hoping that it acts as a deterrent; you've laid the seeds for these incidents to turn into full-fledged gunfights. Stop Me When I Start Lying...

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